Medical breakthrough for alcohol addiction*

Medical breakthrough for alcohol addiction*

Medical breakthrough for alcohol addiction*





Curada’s Unique Approach

Pharmacological Extinction

Access cutting-edge treatment based on The Sinclair Method.

Expert Patient Guidance

Connect with experienced patients for free discovery calls.

Provider Connections

Find qualified providers to prescribe and monitor treatment.

Weekly Meetups

Join accountability meet-ups for support and motivation.

Contemporary Design

Feel empowered in our friendly, techie, and optimistic environment.

Affordable Plans

Choose the plan that works best for your needs and budget.

Expert Support

Gain invaluable insights from our expert patients who understand your struggles.

Community Bond

Forge connections and build a support network through our weekly accountability meet-ups.

Qualified Providers

Trust our network of qualified providers to guide you on the path to recovery.





Expert Calls

Provider Access

Weekly Meetups

Community Forum





Priority Support

Unlimited Expert Calls

Provider Referrals

All Basic Features

Why Curada?

Why Curada?

Why Curada?

We believe in making alcohol addiction treatment more accessible, affordable, and innovative. Our approach centers on the NICE-endorsed Sinclair Method, combined with expert patient guidance, provider connections, and ongoing support.

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Stay informed with breakthrough alcohol addiction treatment news and updates!

Stay informed with breakthrough alcohol addiction treatment news and updates!

© Curada 2023 — Transforming addiction treatment for everyone.

Generated on Tuesday, September 26, 2023